Dick Van Dyke Takes The Redpill. #WakeUpAmerica (Check Description)

10 months ago

[They] Want Us Divided.
[They] Want Us Fighting Amongst Ourselves.
[They] Think We Are Stupid.

For anyone who thins Dick is a 45+ supporter .. https://www.google.com/search?q=dick+van+dyke+on+trump&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari

MSM was the one who woke me up back in 2017.

I’ve seen many presidents come & go but the shit that began before 45+ even went down the golden escalator made me step back and look.

Out of all the presidents that have came and gone I’ve never seen one attacked on every sitcom, channel(both conservative & psycho), every celebrity, every musician, and by anyone/eveyone who had influence.

I started asking why..

Now I know why. You should too.

Find out.

Don’t t believe me?

Just find out how many of them have been to the island? That’ll tell you everything.

When you find that out you’ll see everything else these people have been up to.

Do your own research and make up you're own mind but you’ll come to the same conclusion hundreds of millions have globally.

All you have to do is take those rose colored glasses. It’s been going on a long time but we’ve purposefully been distracted.

“Those who scream the loudest..” 🐇

Don’t believe me. Please look for yourself. I want that more than anything.

Please tell me I’m bat shit crazy before you look at his toughest critics.

Or stay sheep, asleep, & comfortably numb.

Great thing about this movement is we continue to fight for and pray for you u til you wake up.

Yes we fantasize about “I told you sos” & “You were rights” but more than anything we want you standing shoulder to shoulder with us against the obvious evil that surrounds us.

It’s coming to your doorstep patriots.

#SpoilerAlert | #WeWin | #GodWins

So much bigger than most can see.


You are the storm. #NCSWIC | #NOTHING

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