Not All Intercessors are Prophets but All Prophets are Intercessors

10 months ago

Through the years I've heard ministers, teachers and authors I love and greatly respect teach about a "gift of intercession." Here's the challenge I have. I cannot find that gift in scripture.

Join me on a short excursion into both the Old and New Testament as we examine the role and act of intercession and who "makes" it! We'll look at the scriptures and examine two types of gifts mentioned along with the function and fruit of those gifts in operation. In fact, we'll delve into the gifts of the Holy Spirit as well as the gifts that Jesus gave when He ascended on high. We'll look at how they are actually two different Greek words that are translated into the same English word.

By the end of this short study you'll discover the gift that "makes intercession" as well as what the modern function of a New Testament prophet is. You'll understand why I say, not every intercessor is a prophet, but every prophet is an intercessor. You'll understand not because of what I say, but rather because of what the scripture reveals.

Take a look and you decide. Let me know what you think.

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