Russell Brand’s Baptism: Sincere or Stunt? What We Can Learn About Prophecy Either Way

9 months ago

5/6/24 "How Can You Know the Real God?" part 1 S4E14p1
I was just as surprised as everybody else when Russell Brand announced his decision for baptism, and a lot has been said about it since he took the plunge, so to speak. Is he sincere in his faith? Is he running cover because of criminal allegations? Is he a baptized pagan? So rather than add to or repeat those conversations, Something’s Happening Here will use it as a launchpoint for prophecy! Whether Mr. Brand knows the real God or not, he gives us an opportunity to discuss the prophetic importance of knowing the real God leading up to Christ’s return. Thanks for joining us today as we begin our week-long episode called “How Can You Know the Real God?” with today’s show, “Russell Brand’s Baptism: Sincere or Stunt? What We Can Learn About Prophecy Either Way.”
True versus false seems to be the conflict of the Internet Age. But amid the controversies of misinformation and propaganda is the ages-old question of the true God versus the false. As we near the conclusion of Season Four, Something’s Happening Here will argue this basic question.

Season 4 Episode 14
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