It's Just So Bad: Mary Katharine Ham Reads Latest 'Hilarious' Headlines From The Onion

7 months ago

The new and unimproved content from The Onion is just so bad we had to share it with you, or … we had to share Mary Katharine Ham sharing it with you because it's just too funny to pass up. Mary Katharine Ham @mkhammer: “I am delayed at the airport, so I am reading some v. funny jokes from The Onion.” Any fan of The Babylon Bee or the 'at least occasionally funny satire site' that used to be The Onion knows that the headline is the big grab. That's where the main joke of the story is found and it's make-or-break for the entire gag. The headlines at The Onion aren't cutting it. -- Rick Cantón @RickCanton: “They'd sue you for copyright infringement except this is the best promotion they've had in months.”

Mary Katharine hamming it up with her perfect delivery managed to make The Onion slightly funny. Kudos to her! -- LaurieAnn 🧚🏻‍♂️💫 @mooshakins: “Cringed so hard I threw out my back. Good lort 😳” -- The Left can't meme. The Left can't satire. Now they're causing injuries! -- Joe @JoeC1776: “They are way too funny, I’m out of breath I’m laughing so much. 🙄” -- For the folks over at The Onion, what Joe is doing here is called satire. She didn't even read this banger: he Onion @TheOnion: “Nation Disappointed After Biden Answers Business Call During Big Recital” -- It's. Just. So. Bad. We don't want to give them any hints, but we know they won't listen to us anyway. You can't be funny when your attempt to shield your guy comes through harder than the joke or when your hate for your political enemies overshadows the humor.

• More at: Twitchy - It's Just So BAD: Mary Katharine Ham Reads Latest 'Hilarious' Headlines From the Onion
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