Live Chat IndusTokens - 2024-5-5 Round 10 take 3 quick chat

4 months ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- Round 10 take 3 quick chat 2024-5-5

Opening: This Is America ( wiki (
Closing: How Sweet It Is ( wiki (

Open The Bible
- Mount Horeb (
— WI incident ( - Exodus 3 ( - Ho-Chunk (

For 2024.May 5
- 126th Day
- Lunar 3.27 Julian 4.22
- Tesla Date 3.25
- Groundhog day #146 - Round 10 Day 12 🍿
- OTD ( - Britannica ( - AP (5.5 (, 5.4 ( Current ( Events
—May 4 五四青年节 Youth Day (
—2024. May 5 立夏 ( Start of Summer 45-60 degrees

Items related to this chat
1. Geology
-Earthquake map (,-352.61719&extent=74.11605,-9.49219)
-Xi/Peng 2024.5.5 ( France ( 、Serbia (、Hungary ( - 2023.12.12 (
—China Meizhou ( 梅龙高速 ( -龙岩 (河洛人 (山海经 (
-乌云其木格 ( - Pineal Gland (
-Snow after “start of summer” - 2023 ( - 2024 (
-Alaska Flight ( - Climber1000-foot fall ( - Denali ( Fault
2. Financials
-Binance - CZ 4 months sentence ( - “So It Begins”❤️
-Bond ( Dallas ( - China (
-Cash - Berkshire Hathaway (BRK ("Hoarding a treasure trove of cash ("
-Tesla - Musk comments (
3. Health -
-Pancreas ( - 胰腺 ( - "AI and artificial pancreas ("
-Stevia ( - 甜菊素 ( "most brain-compatible sugar substitute (" - Benefits / Side Effects (

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