9 months ago

visit my website at: Welcome to my channel, my name is Jean Hosking, I am a prophet of the Lord, I am just an obedient vessel, I deliver prophetic words from the Lord through the Holy Spirit, to encourage, equip, the saints of the Lord, for edification, foretelling, forewarning and foreknowledge. Satan can not silence God's trumpet, the enemy can not have the nations, no one is a match for the Almighty God, puffed up, arrogant leaders, will be your demise, foolish ones, principalities on assignment by satan will not last, woe to you rulers, lying tongues of asps, forked tongues, you wicked ones are in God's cross hairs, razor focused, God does not miss His targets, vengeance, is the Lords, idol worshippers who love darkness, you cockroaches, you rats, the light will shine upon you, spot light, exposure, you ones in God's houses, with fancy lights, smoke screens, will be exposed, pop stars, bubbles will burst, self seeking platforms, using Gods' name for selfish gains, tantalizing the listeners ears, by their sweet sounds, God will destroy your platforms, black hearts, riding on Jesus' tassels, will be exposed of your true motives, God will release a Heavenly sound that will be an sweet smelling aroma to His throne room, new downloads of lyrics, says the Lord, Isaiah 2:10-18, 14, , 10:12, Romans 3:13, Eph. 6:10, Psalms 40, 68, Isaiah 60
Listening to God's voice
Living a holy life
Filling the spiritual voids
Praying for others
Resisting the devil
Receiving the Word of God
Praying for spiritual discernment
Resisting temptation
Walking in the Spirit
Overcoming fear and anxiety
Spiritual vigilance
Overcoming temptation
Breaking occultic spells and curses
Warfare against addiction
Spiritual discernment of false teachings
Persevering in prayer
Binding and casting out of fear
Spiritual alignment
Building spiritual momentum
Warfare against doubt
Spiritual strengthening
Breaking generational curses
Deliverance from demonic oppression
Overcoming worldly influence
Spiritual breakthrough
Walking in obedience
Spiritual preparation
Cutting soul ties
Declaring God's promises
The authority of the believer
The power of prayer
Overcoming spiritual apathy
Identifying and renouncing sin
The power of the Word of God
Building up faith,
Wrath that shakes the earth,
Thundering rage,
Unleashed wrath,
Burning anger,
Divine retaliation,
Wrathful fury,
Justifiable vengeance,
Anguish and torment,
God's wrathful gaze,
Retributive anger,
Severe judgment,
Consuming anger,
Divine anger unleashed,
Divine vengeance,
Mighty hand of judgment,
Wrath like a torrential flood,
Unyielding punishment,
Storm of retribution,
Burning eyes of wrath,
Vindictive justice,
Unmerciful anger,
Unrestrained wrath,
Swift wrathful strike,
Unflinching punishment,
Divine fury,
Uncompromising judgment,
Unholy wrath,
Wrath that crushes the wicked,
Unassuageable anger,
Divine wrath on the unjust,
Fierce divine anger,
God's wrathful hand,
Implacable fury,
Thunderous condemnation,
Severe retribution,
Vengeful thunder,
Consuming flames, plague,
Blazing wrath,
Storm of divine anger,
God's vengeance upon the wicked,
Crushing blow of wrath,
Unbending judgment,

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