Cor Gathering

10 months ago

Gathering of Cor, a Men's Ministry effort launched by the Knights of Columbus. Cor, Latin for "heart" is an outreach program based on a three-prong approach: Prayer, Formation and Fellowship. This second Cor gathering took place at Saint Gabriel Church Center, part of Saint Raphael Parish campus in Milford, CT.
Fifteen members of the parish and the Knights of Columbus attended. John A Marmolejo coordinated the event and took care of some of the logistics, such as the event moderation and the media presentation used during this session. Dr. Wally Hauck, Phd, led us in the recitation of the rosary and gave some good pointers about this devotion.All the attendants watched two episodes of Into the Breach twelve video series, produced by the KOFC. In this session we presented the Leadership and the Fatherhood episodes. Paul Bishop took care of the coffee and donuts.
The gathering took place on Saturday, May 4th at 8:00 AM and the next gathering will take place at Saint Ann's Church Center on Saturday, June 1st, at 8:00 AM.

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