Rescheduling "Marijuana" Benefits the Fake Government, Not Us. Lawsuit!

9 months ago

Paddock v. Idaho Gov. Butch Otter I sued them in federal court in 2017 for violations of my rights and conspiring to overturn a CBD hemp oil bill when it hit Butch Otter's desk.
Butch Otter, drug czar Elisha Figueroa, and Dr. Robert Wechsler took money from GW Pharma to keep CBD hemp oil out of the state.
[They] never do ANYTHING that benefits we the people, they do it because it benefits their bank account. Reclassifying "marijuana" from a schedule 1 to a schedule 3 is the only way that GW Pharma, a BRITISH company, can own and be the only legal source of their CBD "drug", Epidiolex.
If "marijuana" stays on the schedule 1 it is classified as a dangerous drug with no beneficial effects whatsoever. If they just free the weed entirely, then this mafia calling itself "our government" can't control and make money on the most beneficial plant on earth.
If people realized that natural, whole extractions of CBD (like what I extract) can stop seizures, epilepsy, strengthens bones, keeps your mind sharp, and kills the deadly parasites that they load us up with that cause nearly every disease and pain....Big Pharma and this FAKE government would be out of business quick.
They have no authority to make any laws, codes, or mandates whatsoever. NONE of them including the "president" of the British Crown Corporation that calls itself "The United States Of America INC." has a LEGAL OATH OF OFFICE. That requires that a notary stamp the document after verifying that these people are who they say that they are. This includes Trump, Biden, Obama, every judge, every governor, and every single person that has been "voted" into office. This is a Satanic puppet show. I may have to shut this show down with proper authority under God's Common Law.
If you wish to support my work and get yourself well at the same time, you may want to check out all of my cannabis-based products that are LEGAL federally. Amazing CBD is a whole bud extract of 20% CBD bud. It has stopped seizures in people and in dogs too. These products are safe to use and don't react with medications. See:
Thank you and God Bless.

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