10 months ago

China's facial recognition system logs nearly every single citizen in the country, with a vast network of cameras across the country.

“Skynet”: China’s massive video surveillance network


The Chinese government is accused of using facial recognition to commit atrocities against Uyghur Muslims,
relying on the technology to carry out "the largest mass incarceration of a minority population in the world today."

A database leak in 2019 gave a glimpse of how pervasive China's surveillance tools are

Facial recognition supporters in the US often argue that the surveillance technology is reserved for the greatest risks

-- to help deal with violent crimes, terrorist threats and human trafficking.

And while it's still often used for petty crimes like shoplifting, stealing $12 worth of goods or selling $50 worth of drugs,
its use in the US still looks tame compared with how widely deployed facial recognition has been in China.

12 Traffic Violations that Will Cost You Your Chinese Drivers' License


The Chinese driver’s license runs on a point system where drivers have a total of 12 points per year. Drivers lose two points for minor violations like smoking or talking on the phone while driving.
Offenses like driving in the wrong lane, speeding, and failing to stop for crossing pedestrians can cost three points,
while running a red light, speeding in bad weather, and carrying too many people in your car will cost six points.

Automated Enforcement and Traffic Safety


Traffic safety has been a persistent societal and public policy challenge.
Conventional law enforcement by human police is often cost-ineffective due to the information asymmetry and negative externality that arise from unsafe driving behaviors.
Recent decades have seen a rise of automated enforcement (in the form of traffic cameras),
yet there has been limited understanding of its impact on road safety.


There are now 12 traffic violations that can cost drivers 12 points- their entire license. Drivers that lose 12 points in one year must re-take their driving classes and exams.

Here are the 12 offenses that will cost you your Chinese drivers’ license:

1) Drunk Driving: Those found driving after drinking will lose 12 points on their license and their license will be suspended for 2,000 RMB. You can also face a punishment of 15 days in detention.

2) Obscured Plates: Drivers that obscure, hide part of, tamper or deface their license plates will lose 12 points from their license.

3) Hit and Run: If you are involved in a hit-and-run accident but are not brought up on criminal charges, 12 points will still be deduced from your license.

4) Speeding: Drivers who exceed the speed limit by 50% will lose their license.

5) Fake Plates: Driving with a forged driver’s license or license plates.

6) Illegal Driving: Driving a vehicle that you are not licensed or eligible to drive.

7) Highway Stops: Bus drivers cannot pick up or let off passengers on the highway, or occupy the emergency lane.

8) Wrong Way: Driving the wrong direction on the highway.

9) Crowded Buses: Coach buses and school buses cannot be 20% over capacity (including the driver). This does not apply to public buses.

10) Illegally Driving a School Bus: Driving a school bus without a bus license

11) Speeding in a School Bus or While Transporting Dangerous Goods: Exceeding the speed limit by over 20% while transporting dangerous goods in a city or on the highway. School buses and coach buses also cannot exceed the speed limit by 20%.

12) Driving While Tired: Coach bus drivers and those transporting dangerous goods must take a 20-minute break from driving after four hours.

Facial Recognition Social Credit Score


A New York Times analysis of over 100,000 government bidding documents found that China’s ambition to collect digital and biological data from its citizens is more expansive and invasive than previously known.

China casts its 'SkyNet' far and wide, pursuing tens of thousands who flee overseas
Turkic-speaking Muslim Uyghurs are the biggest target group, with dissidents, writers and activists also at risk.

Gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights'
On Friday, April 1, United Nations legal experts said the four should on no account be sent to China.

"The prohibition of refoulement is absolute and non-derogable under international human rights and refugee law," the statement said. "States are obliged not to remove any individual from their territory when there are substantial grounds for believing that the person could be
subjected to serious human rights violations in the State of destination, including, where applicable,
the existence in the State concerned of a consistent pattern of gross, flagrant or mass violations of human rights."


China's 'Sharp Eyes' Program Aims to Surveil 100% of Public Space



China Public Video Surveillance Guide: From Skynet to Sharp Eyes

Chinese manufacturers are capitalizing on the opportunity, including:

What is Sharp Eyes?
"No Blind Spots"
Camera Requirements For China Public Surveillance
Facial Recognition and Other Analytics Promoted
Facial Recognition & Analytics Requirements
Technical Issues
Privacy Protection Absent
Rapid Implementation
Chinese Surveillance Firms Capitalize
Comparison to Video Surveillance in the West
What Is Sharp Eyes?


Sharp Eyes, or the ‘Xueliang’ Project in Chinese, is China’s latest mass video surveillance program.
Authorities are using phone trackers to link people’s digital lives to their physical movements.

Devices known as WiFi sniffers and IMSI catchers can glean information from phones in their vicinity, which allow the police to track a target’s movements.

Mass surveillance in China Mass surveillance in the People's Republic of China (PRC) is the network of monitoring systems used by the Chinese central government to monitor Chinese citizens.

It is primarily conducted through the government, although corporate surveillance in connection with the Chinese government has been reported to occur.

How China harnesses data fusion to make sense of surveillance data


How tensions with the West are putting the future of China’s Skynet mass surveillance system at stake
The twin pressures of the US-China trade war and threatened sanctions of sensitive critical components are forcing security authorities to turn to innovative solutions


China Is Collecting DNA From Tens of Millions of Men and Boys, Using U.S. Equipment
Even children are pressed into giving blood samples to build a sweeping genetic database that will add to Beijing’s growing surveillance capabilities, raising questions about abuse and privacy.


A surveillance camera on the ceiling of a packed subway car in Zhengzhou.
A surveillance camera on the ceiling of a packed subway car in Zhengzhou
A Surveillance Net Blankets China’s Cities, Giving Police Vast Powers
The authorities can scan your phones,
track your face and find out when you leave your home. One of the world’s biggest spying networks is aimed at regular people, and nobody can stop it.


China monitors its citizens through Internet surveillance, camera surveillance, and through other digital technologies

Facial Recognition And Beyond: Journalist Ventures Inside China's 'Surveillance State'


Four Takeaways From a Times Investigation Into China’s Expanding Surveillance State
Times reporters spent over a year combing through government bidding documents that reveal the country’s technological road map to ensure the longevity of its authoritarian rule.


Skynet 2.0: China plans to bring largest surveillance camera network on Earth to the moon to protect lunar assets
Chinese aerospace agencies outline how 600 million-camera Skynet inspires system to watch lunar assets and track foreign visitors to the moon
Paper says that if ‘abnormalities’ are detected the system will send alarm signals and ‘initiate appropriate response measures’


Skynet in China: Real-life 'Person of Interest' spying in real time


Traffic enforcement camera

A traffic enforcement camera is a camera which may be mounted beside or over a road or installed in an enforcement vehicle to detect motoring offenses, including speeding,
vehicles going through a red traffic light, vehicles going through a toll booth without paying, unauthorized use of a bus lane, or for recording vehicles inside a congestion charge area.

Jaywalking in China? Surveillance system could SMS you a fine


How China uses facial recognition to control human behavior
When facial recognition is everywhere, anything you do is fair game for public shaming and punishment.


China develops train ticketing app for 140+ countries, shuns US dollar
The app can handle “200 million travelers each day” during local holidays and issue more than 1,500 tickets per second without a glitch.


China’s illegal police stations in 53 countries around the world


An investigation by Newsweek has verified a number of the police centers in the United States,
where the offices are thought to exist as part of a wider network of Chinese overseas influence operations run by the Chinese Communist Party's United Front Work Department.
Patrol and Persuade A follow-up investigation to 110 Overseas


In its new report, Patrol and Persuade, a follow-up to September's 110 Overseas, Safeguard Defenders continue to warn that the police proxy points—some established with the help of host countries—were being used to target would-be criminals suspected of cross-border crimes in a policing strategy that skips due process.

Full List of China's Unofficial Police Stations Around the World


FBI makes arrests over alleged secret Chinese 'police stations' in New York


Xi Jinping Ramps Up China's Surveillance, Harassment Deep in America


Patrol and Persuade - A follow up on 110 Overseas investigation


China Hits a New Low, People are Fleeing in Droves!


Sources for the clips from Border patrol:




Forget About The Chinese, American Social Credit Scores Are Already Here


Federal Reserve updates FedNow Service timing to mid-2023, marks beginning of full-scale pilot testing  


ESG scores similar to China's social credit system, designed to transform society, think tank director says


China just announced a new social credit law. Here's what it says


Social Credit System - Wikipedia


What is Your Personal ESG Score and Why Should You Care?


ESG Scores: YOU Are Being Monitored, Evaluated, Against THEIR Criteria


The Game of Life: Visualizing China’s Social Credit System


China's 'social credit' system


China Assigns Every Citizen A 'Social Credit Score' To Identify Who Is And Isn't Trustworthy


How China uses facial recognition to control human behavior


How China Is Using Facial Recognition Technology


Sichuan University Professor Uses Facial Recognition Tech


How facial recognition allowed the Chinese government to target minority groups


Facial recognition law in China


Facial Expression Recognition With Machine Learning and Assessment of Distress in Patients With Cancer


China Social Credit System Explained - How It Works [2022]


China's 'social credit' system ranks citizens and punishes them with throttled internet speeds and flight bans if the Communist Party deems them untrustworthy


The IRS Facial Recognition Verification tax 2022


The IRS Drops Facial Recognition Verification After Uproar


Facial Recognition


IRS 'struck a nerve' with facial recognition, but pieces missing in fight against fraud


$86.1 M id me program




5 Videos of lockdown horror from China


Charles Lieber Charged For Hiding China Ties; 2 Chinese Nationals Accused Of Economic Espionage


Harvard department chair arrested; charged with concealing ties to China


The Cultural Revolution Destruction Of China Chairman Mao


China Launches Artificial Sun




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