Pilate’s Conversation with Jesus

9 months ago

The religious leaders take Jesus to Pilate who is a Roman governor to authorize his crucifixion. During that time Pilate and Jesus have a conversation about his kingdom and his kingship, but during that conversation Pilate deflects by asking a question. He doesn't care really about the answer to the question because he doesn't spend any time to listen. The second thing is he asks the wrong question. Come and hear what Pilate asked and the question he should have asked.

Sermon Notes
John 18:28 - 32 Religious leaders take Jesus to Pilate to crucify without accusation
John 18:33 – 37 Pilate discusses with Jesus about being a king and the kingdom
John 18:38a What is truth?
John 18:38b – 40 Pilate tries to release Jesus but the crowd wants him to release a robber

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