Live Chat with Paul; -187- Skinwalker Ranch S05E02 + UAPDrama + Other UFO vid analysis

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Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Skinwalker Ranch S05E02 evidence
of bugs birds drones or sky seeds + other UFO vids to look over
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:05:00] (1d) Paul wiped out by sugar free jellies and front tooth broke
and spending time on my reddit channel and flood of haters trying
to kill the karma.. such babies.
[00:09:00] (1e) Ufology is full of cult mentally.. Paul plays a trailer
for Idocracy 2006 movie.. A classic and sums up UFOtwitter well
or USA teens in general
[00:27:00] (2) Main Topic Begins - Skinwalker ranch Season 5 - so far , Breakdown!!!
first up ... pro's dont use Emboss filter!!! So funny.. and streaks
and blobs dots look like Bugs again! or sky clutter or tree seeds/cotton
[00:28:40] (2b) 1.6GHZ aka 1600mhz again!!! what could it mean
[00:46:00] (2c) Instead of GPS with 1.6GHZ that could use
a smartphone sensors to calc eqv GPS and see if that corrupts
[00:53:00] (2d) USA freq allocations chart
[01:11:00] (2e) Balloon Letter "A" from Heli referenced again as UFO
[01:12:50] (2f) 3D tower referenced by Travis as same spot GPS and Drone
coms go down so Paul points out the tower is fake due to a known error
on terrain mapping for that system
[01:22:00] (2g) Skinwalker Dead Birds and Cows.. arent so strange as Paul
[01:30:00] (3) UFOman is back with stupid allege UFOs with
LED colored lighting on them.. so what is it Kite/Balloon/drone?
[01:41:50] (3b) Call out Dennett using UFOman Tim to promote book
is super bad of him
[01:42:39] (3c) McKinnon on what he saw while hacking,, Paul
thinks hes legit but mistaken what saw.. as thinks he stumbled
on a star trek or space game NASA employees probably were
playing in lunch time without the bosses permission.
[02:05:00] (3d) single balloon tied to a bunch of balloons
on super low-red
[02:09:00] (3e) Wind fan toy close to car window
[02:24:00] (3f) Fish Kite/Balloon. Paul frustrated can
think of the name of the fish to search it better
[02:31:00] (3g) Paul recommends Halt and Catch Fire Series
if youre a computer buff
[02:32:00] (4) Four Planes in formation can look like Disc's
on low-spec phone cam
[02:36:00] (5) Navy Officer claims Aliens in the bedroom
since the gimbal sightings? Paul questions it as suspect
[02:45:30] (6) Magnet Hole over Russia
[02:57:00] (7) Now confirm CGI VFX for lightning laser beam one
[03:01:10] (8) Kratos secret plane caught on film near AFB
[03:08:00] (9) Manta Ray UUV sub DRONE
[03:18:23] (10) The Vertical Plane - A story of time travel communications
in UK using a 8bit Micro BBC computer with EdWord. Believe it or
Not. Paul says the UFO investigator said it was true as he was
scared of a case for some reason.. after a message from year 2109
[03:46:00] (10b) Paul sets up the proper article.. as other was a promo
summary only but had the images this one dont have of location and computer
[03:54:00] (10c) Paul draws a diagram that fits this story to his multiverse concept!
[04:28:00] (10d) reading out the comments back and forth with the UFO
investigator.. Gary Rowe
[04:49:00] (10e) Paul thinks hes worked out the Canada case that 2109
claim was them = "Charlie Red Star" as numerology comes into
play with the double chapter 7... is 77 and characters in charlie redstar is 77
[05:07:00] (11) Paul ends the comment reading, may resume more of
this case another time. Now shows a Gary's UFO cases and him
on YT presentation on cases he investigated

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

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ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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