Abominations 5 May '24

8 months ago

All Liars will go to Hell; 7 things Yahweh hates and are abomination; purified by fire; No Rapture; be a post not a pre; made in Yahweh's image & likeness; proud look; sowing discord among brethren; hands shed innocent blood; abortion; heart devises wicked imaginations; feet swift running to mischief; false witness lies; lying tongue; fearful full fear not preaching truth; born again; all liars; unbelievable; trouble coming; the way; endure to end; hell into lake of fire; judgment coming; divorce; born again; filled holy ghost; fire baptized; sanctified; having a form of religion; denying the power; Prov. 6:16, Rev. 21:8, 20:12, 2Tim.3:1-9

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