Speaker Johnson Shills for Intel

10 months ago

Iran launched more than 300 missiles at Israel over the weekend, most of which were intercepted by Israel with help from the United States. What will Israel do next, and what lessons can we draw for our own security?

Also in this episode:

@ 13:40 | Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, along with half of the lawmakers in the House, sided with the intelligence community — and against citizens — on warrantless spying.

@ 24:10 | Democratic lawmakers are going after private citizens as part of an effort at “reverse court packing.”

@ 33:30 | John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn discusses how Birchers headed off the Convention of States at a gun event.


Read “Israeli Professor: October 7 Was a Distraction From Iran’s Nuclear Ambitions.” https://thenewamerican.com/world-news/middle-east/israeli-professor-october-7-was-a-distraction-from-irans-nuclear-ambitions/

Watch “How US Intel Agencies Manipulate Media & the Public.” https://thenewamerican.com/video/309399/

Click HERE to join Birchers all across the nation who are working to restore America. https://jbs.org/

For reliable news and in-depth information, explore The New American at https://thenewamerican.com.

Catch all episodes of The New American Daily by visiting https://thenewamerican.com/video/tv/.

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