Walking with the Lord (pt. 2)

9 months ago

When I was growing up I was taught that we have many choices to make in childhood and through our adult lives. For example which college to attend, what color shirt are you going to wear today, and what behavior is acceptable. The choices were countless with most of them being very basic while barring any life threatening choices we were able to navigate life pretty easily.

Today seems to be much different. Today it seems there are those who want you to believe you have a choice in your gender that your sexual preference is not a choice that you can identify as innate objects or animals. That nothing matters in the world except for me, myself and I.

When you couple the basic choices we have to make together with the new choices from those who follow Satan want you to make, life becomes more daunting and overwhelming. There is a reason why the drug industry grew beyond control! The cause and effects are quite clear to those who are following God and are paying attention. The world is full of all this non-sense that is being pushed which has adverse effects on the young children, teenagers, young adults and seniors in the world. It seems that Satan and his followers' tactics are to create chaos, confusion and despair then let it run out of control and then come up with drug solutions to cause everlasting behavioral changes in societies across the world.

Just look at the pathetic protests that are going on in our country. Most of these protesters have no idea what they are protesting, they just want to be on the side of what they perceive to be justice. These protests tell the whole story of hatred, lies and deceit. These people are choosing to walk in darkness. Again, Satan has an agenda and he is executing it very well.

Since the beginning of time, God has always given us a choice to walk in the light or walk in darkness. Fortunately, the one choice we can make is to walk in light. This choice does have everlasting effects on our lives and our souls today, tomorrow and for eternity. Choosing to walk in the light unlike what the current world views are, walking in darkness, will be the best choice you can/will ever make because you are choosing God! You are choosing to follow Him. You are allowing God to lead your life and to guide you, protect you and provide you're every need. You are separating yourself from the darkness of this world.

In scripture we are told to separate from the world meaning walk in the light. Here Paul is not saying to stay out of the world, he is saying don't be like the world. The great commission requires us to go out to the world and evangelize (Matthew 28:19-20). We need to try to help those who are in darkness by sharing the love of Christ who is in us so they may see the world through a different lens. Time is short so we can no longer sit on the sidelines waiting for someone else to share God's love.

If Jesus is the light and Satan is the dark, who is the grey (in the middle)? The answer is the church of Laodicea, this is the only time Jesus describes grey and look what He says about it (Revelation 2:16-17). Don't be the church of Laodicea where Jesus will spit you out. Remember the default choice is darkness

But God, His agenda is greater, smarter, stronger more eloquent and sophisticated but simple to follow. Love thy neighbor as you love yourself, put no other Gods before our Triune God and you will be on the path to success. Live in the light for the rest of your days. It is never too late to receive Christ, to repent your sins and follow Jesus into the kingdom of Heaven.

My prayer is that when given the opportunity to choose between light and darkness, we would choose the light. Through Jesus Christ our salvation is guaranteed and our home in heaven is secured. My prayer is that we would shine the light wherever we are and that it would be such an attraction to others that they would want to know what we know and want to have what we have. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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