[W.D.I.M.] Let's Try This Again | Battlefield Hardline

7 months ago

Welcome back to Battlefield Hardline on what Did I Miss. Today I'm hopping back to the campaign in hopes in works this time so I can continue the story. I don't need anymore buggy campaigns. Fingers crossed.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNA0xzskMEU&pp=ygUoYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZXZpZGVuY2UgZnVsbCBndWlkZQ%3D%3D

*Gun Locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DgynmCuwjM&pp=ygUiYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZ3VuIGxvY2F0aW9ucw%3D%3D

*Straight into the gameplay: 2:50

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