Paul Murphy - 'Moments In Time' (Take 2)

9 months ago

Out of nowhere, one final song came along today. I think it's trying to tell me something. For, and dedicated to, my beautiful children. Yours too.

Take care.


05 May 2024

'Moments In Time' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 2024

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Moments In Time

Moments in time

Slip by so fast

Touched for an instant

Then pulled from our grasp

All that they leave us

Are memories to hold

And a path to a future

We've yet to behold

Moments in time

Hold them in vain

Trying to keep them

Is like catching the rain

Forever elusive

They kiss you and leave

Letting you choose

To praise them or grieve

Moments in time

Like sand on the shore

Moved on by the waves

From the hourglasses' roar

Cherish their presence

As long as you can

Your soul can store them

Past eternity's span

Moments in time

Here, and then gone

Some leave you tears

Some bequeath you a song

They whisper "Farewell"

"We shall not meet again"

"But all that we've shared"

"Will always remain"

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