May 5, 2024 - I Am Not Ashamed to Stand For My Lord

10 months ago

As our world changes, and the pressure mounts to compromise, our FAITH will be tested!

Will we be ashamed of Christ or not? This remains to be seen!

I must determine:
I will not live by lies!
I will not be silenced!!

The world will turn on the Jews; all nations will abandon Israel!

World think will dominate; we see this in universities today with protests against the Jews

Christians are next; hatred of the Jews will spill over to hatred of the True Church

"A Description of the Land of Israel in 1881" - Mark Twain (eyewitness account in "Innocents Abroad"

" . . . [a] desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds - a silent mournful expanse . . . We never saw a human being on the whole route . . . There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere. Even the olive and the cactus, those fast friends of the worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."

"The Balfour Declaration"

The Balfour Declaration was a letter Arthur Balfour wrote to Lionel Walter Rothschild and also a statement of British support for the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.
The letter was written on November 2, 1917 and approved by the League of Nations on July 24, 1922.
This declaration was important to the Jewish People because it gave them a homeland to hold residence after centuries of persecution.

“Faith to faith” is about to take on a whole new meaning for western Christians

As we see friends and family members cave to group think, may we be grounded in Jesus think!

Stay strong, stay together, this earth age is streaking to an end!

A scary time to be alive . . . . . ,
but a wonderful time to be alive!

It is an honor to serve our God at this unique time in history!

When you feel down, when you feel alone... remember the geese!


Keep going!
Never quit!

I Am Not Ashamed to Stand For My Lord!!

Let the world know that you have been with JESUS!


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