White Excellence Is A Necessity - Be Extraordinary And Apologize For Nothing - Christ Is King

4 months ago

There are precisely zero other people like me. I am one of one. And I don’t mean “we’re all special snowflakes” - I mean show me one other person who has been given the responsibilities of carrying the torch for Aesthetic Beauty in the face of “healthy at any weight”, who puts their life savings and career on the line to dismantle Jewish supremacy and advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ, AND who goes to war for the White Race despite the onslaught of slander and hatred from all other groups - even fellow whites.

I don’t point out these efforts for the sake of stroking my ego. As always - all the credit for my successes go to God. I was nothing before Him and am nothing without Him

I point out my achievements because in this time of societal free-fall people need aspirational examples of real individuals doing extremely difficult things and RAISING the bar - NOT lowering the bar to the least common denominator to appease unhealthy under-achieving cultural misfits.

Why do you think the word MODEL exists? Have you stopped and thought about the definition? It’s not to say everyone will achieve the ideal blueprint, aka the Model…but for as long as humans have existed individual PEOPLE had to demonstrate strength and focus in times of chaos in order to pull society back together again.

People need to be reminded how someone speaks when the Holy Spirit is on fire inside of them.
People need to be reminded of what the human body is capable of when the narrow path of self-denial and patience is taken.
And people need to be reminded that we Whites live in perilous existential times and MUST be courageous enough to address our threats.

I did not seek out these positions of leadership - God brought each of them upon me through divine providence. I was lazy and unhealthy. I was agnostic and spiritually lost. I was clueless about politics and world history….

But over the course of 10 years God dispatched mentors right to my doorstep for each of these areas in my life and all I did was obey.

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