Surat Alnashrah

10 months ago

Al-Inshirāḥ (Arabic: الانشراح, "Solace" or "Comfort"), or ash-Sharḥ (Arabic: الشرح, "The Opening-Up of the Breast") [1] is the ninety-fourth chapter (surah) of the Qur'an, with eight ayat or verses. Because of its subject matter, length, style, and placement in the Qur'an, this sura is often coupled with Surah ad-Dhuha (Sura 93). They are generally considered to have been revealed around the same time. Al-Inshirāḥ's subject matter seems a continuation of the reassurance and encouragement given in the preceding chapter and so closely resembles it that both these Surah seem to have been revealed in about the same period under similar conditions.

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