Unshakable Mother W- Speach Pathologist Jenn Taylor

10 months ago

On this weeks episode of Blind Dates, Jay sits down with speech pathologist Jenn Taylor to talk about the fundamentals of communication as well as Taylors personal life as a mother. Taylor speaks on the delicate topics of dealing with teen suicide, balancing the needs of parents and guardians with the needs of the child, as well as understanding the motivations of parenting. Taylor is the creator of the program “The Unshakable Mother” which strives to provide a coaching and mentoring program to new and existing mothers who feel as though they’re lost within the cycle. Mothers will gain a clarity on their role within parenting and open the doors to reflection on limiting beliefs. Listen to Jenn’s story to hear more on “The Unshakable Mother, as well as how you as a parent can set proper and realistic boundaries with your children and those around you.

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