War in Ukraine, Analytics. Day 777 (part2): The West Has Made a Strategic Decision to Fight Putin

7 months ago

n today's war diary, Nikolai Feldman and Alexey Arestovich discussed the main news on the 777th day of war:

➤Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine's Congress) began a voting process on Mobilization Bill. Only 40 congressmen are present at the session, at a critical moment for the country.. it is a crime against Ukraine.
➤ Statement of former Ukrainian Congressman Lutsenko: "There should be more representatives of the elite at the front". Should there be?
➤ Air force reform since 1991: Ukraine voluntarily disarmed itself. It will not be easy to restore the correct attitude towards military professionals.
➤ Fundraiser for Ukrainian Armed Forces.
➤ The doctrine of Russian nuclear blackmail has been thwarted. Where is Russia heading to now?
➤ What does India's recognition of Putin's legitimacy indicate? India's ambitions and limitations.
➤ Position of the West in nurturing representatives of Global South and its' authority in the World.
➤ Social polls in Putin's Russia: Russians are proud of their country. Savagery of people in an atmosphere of external aggression and internal terror. The rationality of madmen.
➤ Putin’s posturing regarding the infrastructure project - road and a tunnel in Sochi, in comparison with infrastructure projects of Saudi Arabia and the flooding of Orsk.

Ukraine War Chronicles and Analytics with Alexey Arestovych and Nikolay Feldman @ALPHAMEDIACHANNEL

Olexiy Arestovych (Kiev): Advisor to the Office of Ukraine President : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Arestovych
Official channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjWy2g76QZf7QLEwx4cB46g

Nikolay Feldman - Ukranian journalist, social researcher, blogger.

💳 Fundraiser is under Alexeys Original Stream in Russian: https://youtu.be/kMKqpSs9lh8

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