The Moon Landing was indeed fake but this guy needs to look at his own generation

8 months ago

He shouldn't blame the boomers, it's very easy to criticise now but back then all we had was libraries with selected internet, no smart phone, no telephones in our house in 1969 ! I didn't see a rotary dial telephone in our house until 1973 or thereabouts...I had to walk to the top of the street and join the queue in the rain and wait to use the red phone box. Back then in 1969 when I was 6 years old, I watched the moon landing live on TV, we saw the rocket go up, we saw the moon landing, and we saw the splash down. We had nothing to disclaim what we saw. Also the "boomers" back then were smart young men of this guy's age, who made pioneered the technology that he is taking for granted today. Back then we had a society that helped one another, we had something called TRUST, we had no burglaries, my mum and dad never locked the door to our house when going out, windows left open all the time. We had people who would talk to each other, these days I'll be lucky if someone returns a "hello". He also needs to realise that the youth back in 1969 would think before reacting, these days the youth simply follow the herd which is why so many took the shot. The Gen Z's are the ones making fools out of themselves on tik-tok, they are the narcissists who post videos of themselves, women on youtube showing off their vulvas, so it's debatable who are the most retarded; it's his generation that cannot define a woman.

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