A Podcast for the ADHD in You - HWSR Ep 2

10 months ago

In episode two of 'He's Wrong, She's Right: And I Can't Stop Moving Podcast,' hosts Andrew and Nona dive into various topics including their personal businesses, future podcast goals, and their viewpoints on education systems. They share insights on insurance brokering and web development while considering the prospect of live streaming once reaching a thousand YouTube subscribers. The discussion extends to their personal opinions on homeschooling, public education, and private schooling. Furthermore, they touch upon the intricacies of navigating VA ratings and advocating for oneself in the healthcare system. Humor and candid banter punctuate their conversation as they explore everything from favorite colors to sports teams, encapsulating a broad range of subjects in a casual podcast setting.

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00:00 Welcome to Episode Two: ADHD, Fidgets, and Podcast Vibes
01:00 Introducing the Hosts: Andrew and Nona
01:28 Business Shoutouts and Personal Ventures
04:09 Privacy Tips: Protecting Your Data from Auto Manufacturers
06:04 Tech Talk: Web Development and Hosting Insights
07:00 The Nonprofit Initiative: Veteran Wiki
10:33 Sponsorship and Transparency in Reviews
12:24 Seasonal Struggles: Battling Hay Fever
14:19 Diving into the Show: Topics on Dating and Teenagers
18:58 School Choices and Education Systems Discussion
30:04 The Remote Work Revolution and Its Impact
30:26 Navigating the Shift Back to Office Life
31:03 The Freelancer's Dilemma: Big Clients vs. Small Clients
32:04 The Rising Costs of Running a Business
33:46 Adapting to the Ever-Changing Tech Landscape
36:52 Veteran Wiki: A Resource for Veterans
37:45 The Personal Side: Hobbies, Preferences, and Veteran Life
47:34 Advocating for Yourself in Healthcare and Disability Claims
52:34 Seeking Sponsorship and Wrapping Up

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