NY Mayor: Uni Protests Co-Opted by Agitators; Many Non-Student Protestors

10 months ago

05/02/2024 Eric Adams, Mayor of New York City, says on CBS that multiple terrorist organizations and groups have co-opted protests in CUNY and Columbia University. These people are not students from these universities but are professional outside agitators, whose tactics and methods were clearly seen in other places of the globe. Some of these agitators are now in police custody. Mayor Adams has not revealed the agitators’ identities, but points out that they are acknowledging themselves on social media.
05/02/2024 纽约市长埃里克·亚当斯 (Eric Adams) 在哥伦比亚广播公司 (CBS) 的节目上表示,多个恐怖组织和团体的成员参与了纽约市立大学和哥伦比亚大学的抗议活动。 这些人不是大学生,而是专业的外部煽动者,他们的策略和手段在全球各地使用。 这些煽动者中的一些人现已被警方拘留。 亚当斯市长没有透露煽动者的身份,但指出他们在社交媒体上宣扬自己。

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