SLOBODNI podcast #78 Dr. Jacob Nordangard- The Global Coup d’Etat

5 months ago

🙏Počastite nas kavicom☕ UN i ostale globalne organizacije kao WEF, Rimski klub, Vjeće za vanjske poslove su odlučni u provedbi globalne implementacije jedne svjetske vlade. Izvanredne situacije koje se redovito kreiraju im služe za održavanje strahe i poslušnosti. To su neizabrani svjetski birokrati koji preuzimaju sve veću moć. Običan čovjek o tome jako malo zna što ga sprečava u otporu.Istraživač Jacob Nordangard je sve prezentirao u svojim knjigama.
🙏Treat us with a coffee☕ The UN and other global organizations such as the WEF, the Club of Rome, the Council for Foreign Affairs are determined to implement the global implementation of one world government. Emergency situations that are regularly created serve to maintain fear and obedience. These are the world's unelected bureaucrats who are taking on more and more power. The common man knows very little about this, what prevents him from resisting. Researcher Jacob Nordangard has presented everything in his books.

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