An Address to all World Leaders

8 months ago

The governments of the world need to hear this urgent message for guidance in future 'pandemics'. Unelected officials of WHO, FDA, CDC, NIH, WEF, CARPHA etc. must not be allowed to interfere with the sovereignty of nations through their pandemic treaties. Government must not sign indemnity agreements with pharmaceutical corporations. God-given rights and freedoms have been infringed. People's health has been destroyed by government's recklessness. Many lives and livelihoods have been lost through mexcine mandates in this plandemic. Millions of adverse reactions to the experimental injections have been reported through various reporting systems like VAERS, Vigiaccess and the UK yellowcard system. And who can we hold accountable for this great wickedness against humanity? The living God-YHWH will certainly bring retribution upon them all in due time.

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