The Nephilim Look Like Clowns with Paul Stobbs

10 months ago

The conversation explores the theory connecting clowns to the Nephilim, discussing the initial spark of interest and the journey of research. The guest explains the visual evidence that supports the theory, showcasing images from various cultures and traditions. The chapters cover the cultural representations of clown-like entities and the historical origins of clown costumes. The theory suggests that clowns are modeled after demons and that the Nephilim had clownish features. This conversation explores the origins and symbolism of clowns, connecting them to demons and Nephilim. The chapters cover topics such as the history of demons and Nephilim, possession and the exchange with demons, cultures dressing like demons, the Freemason connection to clowns, the push of clowns in modern media, and the seriousness of dressing like a clown. The conversation also touches on the agenda behind pushing clowns, the externalization of the hierarchy agenda, and the veiled truth of secret societies. The conversation concludes with a discussion on Demon Face Syndrome and the power of Jesus in dealing with demons.


Clowns have deep connections to demons and Nephilim, and dressing like them can open channels for these entities to enter our world.
The Freemason connection to clowns is significant, with circuses being a copy of Freemasonic rituals and the clown representing the ringmaster who controls demons.
The media has been pushing clown symbolism for a long time, popularizing clowns and making them appear innocent and fun, while hiding their true nature.
Clown fashion has become a trend, with people unknowingly dressing in costumes worn by ancestor spirit worship cults, further opening channels for demonic entities.
While the topic may be unsettling, it is important to remember that demons are a defeated enemy, and calling on Jesus can provide protection and deliverance.


00:00 Introduction and Background
09:06 Discovering the Connection
13:20 Visual Evidence
41:22 Clowns Modeled After Demons
46:51 The Origins of Demons and Nephilim
47:20 Hybrids and Corruption Before the Flood
48:19 Possession and the Exchange with Demons
49:12 Naivety and Ignorance of Shamans and Witch Doctors
49:41 Cultures Dressing Like Demons
50:10 Feeding the Hungering Spirits
50:18 Clowns as Representations of Demons
50:48 The Media's Push of Clown Symbolism
51:53 Clowns in Media and Popular Culture
52:59 Circuses as Freemasonic Rituals
54:48 The Freemason Connection to Clowns
55:06 The Symbolism of the Ringmaster
56:03 The Circus as a Copy of Freemasonic Rituals
56:31 The Push of Clowns in Modern Media
57:22 Clowns as Demons in Films and TV Shows
58:19 Clown Fashion and Popularization
59:16 Clowncore Fashion Trend
01:00:29 Richard the Barber and Clown Aesthetics
01:01:22 The Agenda Behind Pushing Clowns
01:02:37 The Externalization of the Hierarchy Agenda
01:03:04 The Seriousness of Dressing Like a Clown
01:04:18 The Naivety of the Western Hemisphere
01:05:14 The Joke of Red Nose Day
01:06:38 The Royal Order of the Jesters
01:07:35 The Veiled Truth of Secret Societies
01:08:17 Supernatural Episode and Clown Demons
01:09:04 Clown Film and Transformation
01:10:02 Clown References in Media
01:10:28 Demon Face Syndrome
01:19:59 Closing Remarks


Paul Stobbs Youtube Channel:

begining music: Fugue Frenzy Moments
Intro song: PALA Imagination
Outro song: LNDÖ :Just Look Up
Final song: UltraViolet Everything: Luna Wave

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