Adrian Smith Opening Statement - 2024 Nebraska Primary Debates

10 months ago

Scott: Welcome back to the 2024 Nebraska Primary Debates and here’s another opening statement from another incumbent Imbecile, Now we have to hear from the worthless weak wimpy gimp, Yo Adrian Smith.

Yo Adrian: (unintelligible)

Chris: Do we even have to talk about this guy?
Gary: When will he just go away.?
Lucy: He’s a waste of space.
Rosie: Sometimes a waste of space is just what is needed n the corner.
Emory: Is it me or is he just talking gibberish?
Ian: Gibberish is my second language and miming is my first.

Chris: He’s so stupid when he hears it’s chilly outside he gets a bowl.
Gary: He’s so stupid he got locked in a grocery store and starved.
Lucy: He’s so stupid he put his hands in his pockets so he couldn’t catch a cold.
Rosie: He’s so stupid he got hit by a cup and told the cops he was mugged.
Emory: He’s so stupid he tried to climb Mountain Dew.
Ian: He’s so stupid he wore a coat to Dairy Queen because of all the Blizzards.

Scott: Yo Adrian Smith fails to impress anyone again and all of these incumbent imbeciles have failed as representatives of Nebraska but have succeeded as terrible human beings.

#nebraska #primarydebate #nebraskaprimary #debate #election #nebraskaelection #goodmorningnebraska #petericketts #donbacon #debfischer #mikeflood #adriansmith #JohnGlenWeaver #danfrei #scottvorhees #kfab #kfak #omaha #omahanebraska #lincoln #lincolnnebraska #election2024 #2024elections #donnyrotten #donnyrottenbacon #daca #dei #phony #dishonorable #traitor #lie #liar

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