Scott Ritter Unveils: "Russia Plan to Cut Off US-NATO's Arms Aid - Ukraine Beyond Rescue!"

10 months ago

Scott Ritter Unveils: "Russia Plan to Cut Off US-NATO's Arms Aid - Ukraine Beyond Rescue!"
The dollar cannot save itself from de-dollarization. This is the end, my friend.
zelensky better spend those dollars quick, before they arent worth anything
That’s because the dollar is turned into toilet paper..
the printer is on a runaway !!!
Only rubles can save Ukraine!
I am ruing for Russia, not necessarily against Ukraine, but against Western hegemonic, lead by the US and its little body the UK. The only thing I with Russia did, is advance much, much faster, and all the way to Kiev and beyond, to cover the whole of Ukraine. The reason I say this is because Russia is NOT fighting Ukraine, clearly Russia is fighting the West who is hiding behind the Ukrainians. So in my opinion, Russia needs to get EXTREMELY serious about this war because US/NATO are not going to let go, unless the game goes nuclear, then you'll see the West asking for negotiations


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