Thank God for well trained dogs!!!😲🐩🐕🐕🐶

9 months ago

Today I had all 3 dogs with me when I checked the mail. I didn’t think to put collars on them . Didn’t think I’d see anyone. That neighbor’s dog had been killed chasing cars. Well to my surprise they had a new dog. It came charging out barking like crazy at us. My cart is totally open, no doors. All I could do is holler “STAY “ over the sound of the cart. To my relief all 3 of my dogs stayed in place without barking. Since my dogs didn’t bark back at the dog charging us, it just sat down when I hollered stay. It did keep barking but stopped chasing at least.
I was really proud of my three for not barking back. Or God forbid jumping out of the cart and getting into a fight. Thank the Lord for training.

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