Silent Bug, Holy Bug!

10 months ago

"This is a showtune but the show hasn't been written for it yet." —Nina Simone

Yalda-Baalphomet (or The Next Great Depression Resetlist, a nightclub routine)
by Sigourney's Weevil
sequel to
The Mustache in The Pyramid (a satirical tragedy in 5 acts) by Coprol Pun Intend Intended It
The Turkish Prisoner's Dilemma — CHEAT SHEET (an epic poem in fragments) by Ανδρέ Σταμαύρα

Silent Bug,
Holy Bug,
Half a worm,
Half a slug,
Bound young virgins
Raped with your Child,
Both Jew and Gentile.

Silent Bug,
Holy Bug,
Hiding swept
'Neath the rug,
Pretending to come
From heaven afar,
Heaven to you
Is a backdoor ajar.
Internal parasite!
Internal parasite.

Silent Bug,
Holy Bug,
Pretend God,
Face of pug,
Rotten smell
Like maggots at feast,
Of all your names,
You most prefer BEAST.
Stay out of my butthole!
Stay out of my butt.

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