Morgellons Explained | The Culture Leading Humanity 2 the Mark of the Beast | Transhumanism not RFID

10 months ago

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For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

~ Genesis 3:5 KJV ~
Morgellons Syndrome Explained!
Transhumanism is not a word that is spoken of a whole lot just yet. Oh it gets a mention here and there in certain circles but it is not on the front page news, at least... Not yet...

So just what is Transhumanism all about or the better question would be who is behind the movement? ... In a word ... Satan...

When people talk of the Mark of the Beast, the conversation often steers toward the RFID chip. People make claims that the chip is somehow what is going to be Satan's mark that will ultimately have to be accepted by the masses and cannot be given against our will.

What most people do not seem to realize is that the Mark of the Beast is not something that people are going to be FORCED to take, but rather the people will be clamoring to get it, lining up for blocks just to acquire it and they will be none the wiser that it is something that will cause them all "Great and Small" to become the slaves of Satan.

The mark of the beast is something that Satan is going to make the unwashed masses desire to possess.

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