8 months ago

Originally aired 5/4/24. Friends, we have been studying the Book of Revelation through the lens of Israel to understand that God HAS NOT REPLACED Israel with the Church, but that Israel retains all the promises that God has pledged to her.

And I believe that Replacement Theology is one of the great BLINDING LIES that SATAN has fed the church to PERVERT her relationship with God. You see, in order to PROMOTE such a lie, the church must IGNORE all the evidence in the Bible that God has in fact a VERY DETAILED PLAN for Israel. This plan was clearly given all throughout the OLD TESTAMENT, AND the NEW TESTAMENT—even AFTER they largely rejected YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה

There is NO BIBLICAL BASIS for the demonic theology that God has REJECTED Israel, Stripped her LATTER DAYS' promises, and given them to the CHURCH. The FACT That Israel is NOW A NATION, miraculously back in her OWN LAND after 2,000 years of exile should be ENOUGH PROOF that this is NO ACCIDENT. No, this MIRACLE can ONLY HAPPEN if GOD DOES it. To say otherwise would ACTUALLY ACCUSE GOD of having NO SAY in, or POWER over their return. It actually ROBS God of one of His most GRACIOUS, GLORIOUS, POWERFUL , PROPHETIC PROMISES He has ever fulfilled.

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

In the previous episodes, we discussed God’s TWO WITNESSES in ch 11 sent to testify of God’s glory, the Gospel of Salvation, and warnings to repent. And so AFTER the 2 WITNESSES testify for 3 ½ years according to Rev 11:3 they are Killed by the antichrist and resurrected 3 ½ days later before the eyes of their enemies.
This appears to coincide with the 3 ½ year mark given in Daniel 9:27 after signing the covenant with Israel that allows them to build the new temple in Jerusalem, and after 3 ½ years, the Antichrist will enter the temple and declare himself God

And as we saw, Revelation Chapter 12 opens with a War in heaven, and we caught in this war is the Covenant People of Israel, the family that God used to bring His Messiah to the whole world. And so this description during the Tribulation fulfills Jesus’s warning to His people living in Israel, which gives these instructions in Matt 24:11-16. This prophecy is specific to Jews in Israel, living in JUDEA to FLEE from the DRAGON or Anti-Christ. This assumes Israel will be a NATION again.

And so after the faithful in Israel flee from the dragon, SATAN is THROWN OUT OF HEAVEN and cast down to the earth in Rev 12:7. And now Satan is enraged, and we will see how he uses the ANTICHRIST to USURP a WICKED RULE over the earth.

Season Watch airs Saturdays at 3:00 pm in San Diego on K-Praise AM 1210 and FM 106.1 North County in San Diego:

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