🇻🇦🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿UNITED STATES, INC.

8 months ago

During the American Civil War, the U.S. borrowed money on loan from England and owed the London Bank debt. The Act of 1871 was passed on Feb.21, with NO constitutional authority, which illegally allows D.C. to operate as a corporation, outside of the original U.S. Constitution.
In essence (business practice/politics), this and King James issuing the Charter of Virginia made the United States a British [Great Britain Empire] colony (under federal rule vs. state sovereignty).

The Paris Peace Treaty of 1783
< https://famguardian.org/PublishedAuthors/Govt/USTreaties/DefinitiveTreatyOfPeace1783.pdf >
basically made the King or Queen of England, the prince or princess over the U.S.A.. In this case, then Prince Charles III, was the representative first inheritor. This nullified the Revolutionary War of Independence victory.
Amendment Article 13 - the Titles of Nobility and Honour, ratified in 1810 - forbids any puppet U.S. president from using any title of nobility.
( This no longer appears on any current copy of the U.S. Constitution. )

During the war of 1812, British troops burned down the capitol and all other government buildings, including (supposedly) destroying all ratification records of the U.S. Constitution.

In 1913 congress passed the Federal Reserve Act, turning all gold and silver over to the Rothschild banksters. (bankers + gansters)

Rothschild (Red Shield) - London & Berlin
Lehman Brothers - New York
Goldman & Sachs - New York
Rockefeller - Chase Manhattan, NY
J.P. Morgan - New York
Lazard Brothers - Paris
Warburg - Hamburg & Amsterdam
+ 2 others = Germany & Italy

Three City-States control the Khazarian "jew" cabal.
D.C. aka District of Columbia, in Virginia (military)
London, in England (financial)
Vatican, in Rome, Italy (spiritual)

Canada, the United States, and Australia
are all subjects of British Royalty.
Leaders, or "presidents", are simply Prime Ministers of London.
The so-called "royalty" are merely servants to the Bank of London.

If when we should win this World War 3 for the survival of the U.S.A.,
NO ONE (be warned) should declare "Peace and Security!" OR sudden destruction will be upon us. Yah ("God") demands honor and expects us to repent and serve "Him", by following his Messiah, as he was and is our given example on how to conduct our moral / spiritual lives.
( 1 Thessalonians 5:3 ) 🔵

Pray - cry out - for Yah'shua to give us one more delay. 🙏
( Ezekiel 12:21-28 & Revelation 10:6 ) 🔵
Until we might have a Great Revival of Truth, we must recognize that IF Yah gives us one final delay, for the salvation of many souls, so that the full number of those deserving, through faith, will be saved for everlasting life,
the Harvest made ripe, for His 1st Resurrection, it was HE who allowed it.
(Revelation 14:15-16) 🔵

The hour has grown very late and the moment it near!

amen 🤲🏼

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