Star of Hope and Clarity Energy Vlog

9 months ago

Star of Hope and Clarity Energy Vlog Title is from the date May 4th 2024 thus the force is with us since we have a total of 17 The Star card which brings us hope clarity of vision and a bit of vulnerability.

The Schumann Resonance today Disclosure News site showed us two amplitudes today, the first was a power of 24 at 3:00 AM UTC thus we have the Empress presenting the Lovers as an example to her husband of how they should be more hamonus in their relationship. The Last amplitude power of 16 at 11:45 AM UTC thus we have #20 the Judgement card being delivered to the builder of the fallen tower. The quality power of 28 which adds ot #10 The Wheel of Fortune with its big Karmic change a flip in energies. The Frequency Average is 7.95 Hertz thus we have 21 The world or universe card we hav ethe whole enchilada the completion of the Hero's Journey.

Therefore, we can say: The Star bringing Hope and a clear vision shows the Lovers that it is okay to be vulnerable with each other and to limit their judgement of the world at the end of the Aeon. We had a card from the Divine Abundance Oracle deck it was the Allowing card With Radical acceptance Says Yes to reality in any given moment so what is needed can come through expect miracles for god acts in mysterious ways.

We shared a clip from Ashala's Psychic Tarot show with the king of pentacle s as the overarching energy of the reading.

We also shared a clip from Michael Salla's week in review show on youtube.
Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site:
Space Weather news Site:
Psychic Tarot show with Ashala:
Michael Salla Exopolotic Week in Review:

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