overreacting is losing a nonexistent battle

4 months ago

chewing gum is annoying but that's kinda what you're supposed to do w/ it
everybody's got their things
trying to forgive myself for idiosyncrasies
i'll never not be a mess
i wish that people w/ clean houses would rub off on me
i study people so i can emulate not imitate
i lose things so easily multiple x a day, sometimes multiple x an hr
i should already be used to it!
hopefully you'll get sumin outta this if you understand these things
i play the same thing cos it allows me to focus
i could never call myself a musician for obvious reasons
the point is to make sumin that people understand but esp me
but also the tortured soul...
if you try to ruin my fun you're a piece a shit
i can talk mad shit on this channel but i never get in anyone's face about
don't be so scared to try sumin new
those that ridicule are jealous
everyone judges. so what
i understand psychology too much to get offended
you can't take things personally or seriously when anyone overreacts
if they could see themselves they'd kill themselves
fighting w/ everyone around you or nonexistent threats cos you can't just fight w/ yourself
somebody recently accused me of being judgmental AF
i appreciate feedback no matter what
this friend of mine was cherokee n she said that cameras steal yer soul n freaked out when people tried to take her picture
and this is why we get in trouble
here's more arrogance about my condition
if i can't respond in a loving way i don't respond at all
i won't respond to people being mean all for the sake of being mean
people wanna stay mad n they can keep doing that, they're foolish for it
ain't kissing anyone's feet but Jesus
i say stupid shit all the time n it is somewhat comical, at least now it is
you could be right about the point you're making but if you get offended you're wrong
you can correct people w/out having to be an asshole
i can't do shit about you getting offended
i don't wanna emulate the shit behavior of our society
a series of emojis later...
i can't do shit for em cos they're too far gone
nothin i'm right about is good
i'd rather love you n forgive you for being ugly
you don't have to accept my love
we might just speak again who knows
peace out, man
they just wanna fight x3
everyone's so tightly wound maybe cos they're just stupid

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