Human Evolutionary Upgrades are happening now!

8 months ago
36 -- Have you noticed anything different in the ways you sense and experience the world? Some of us are starting to notice rather dramatic changes--including changes to visual perception (sparkles, rainbows), and lack of pain, injury and suffering when we might otherwise have been burned.

I feel blessed to work with mentoring and coaching clients who are sometimes early sensors and experiences of energetic shifts, and also with my fellow co-founders or the International Mandela Effect Conference. What some of us are noticing recently involve changes to our visual perceptions involving rainbow hues, and sparkling lights.

I’m hearing from some people that having existing physical, emotional, or energetic pain points and injuries can result in difficulty and additional pain in receiving these upgrades, so I recommend consistently asking my favorite question, “How good can it get?” Thanks to maintaining such radical optimism, additional support can arrive to assist with receiving energetic upgrades.

Blueprint for the Fifth World

This time of Great Awakening has been foretold by indigenous wisdom keepers, mystics, and spiritual masters for millennia. The Hopi described many signs that we are moving from the fourth world to the fifth, and they provide us with sage advice to keep our hearts open to love, and our kopavi (crown chakra) open to receiving divine inspiration.

The spiritual Masters and wisdom keepers explain that this natural progression from our old way of living to the New Golden Age, will be guided by unconditional divine love. This is a natural process, and a spiritual process, and therefore, we will do well to purify our hearts, and dedicate ourselves to our highest ideals and principles. Each of us has the opportunity to rise above emotional and even karmic drama.

Some people wonder what this new world, this fifth world, this new golden age will look like. We have been given enough information now, to know what this will look like, based on recognizing the way that we now can choose to either remain on the drama triangle, or make choices to evolve above Victim-Rescuer-Perpetrator.

Just as Buckminster Fuller created geodesic domes by recognizing that the triangle is the most stable building block, everything humans build can only be as good as their fundamental components. We can thus envision upgrading our old Drama triangle associated with conflict, wars, trauma, and strife with a new Shambala Triangle. We can build our new world on this foundation m honoring and recognizing all those who choose to keep hearts and heads open to divine unconditional love.

The new Shambala Triangle replaces traumatized victim consciousness with the spiritual strength of vulnerability of sincere authenticity; it replaces anxiety-ridden rescuer consciousness with heartfelt caring kindness; and it replaces righteous anger with the wisdom of deep listening.

Our society will be transformed as we each choose to transform ourselves, moving out of drama and trauma (Victim / Rescuer / Perpetrator) into kindness and love ( Sincere Authenticity / Caring Kindness / Listening Wisdom).

❤️ Cynthia's Ascension Workshop
In this workshop you will learn how to separate ascension fiction from fact. Is the idea of ascension or awakening a new age fallacy? Have we been sold a bill of false goods when it comes to how individual and collective ascension & awakening are supposed to happen? If human ascension is a real phenomenon, who says so and what historical data can we use to give evidence that this is happening? Are we in the ascension period right now, and if so, why does it seem so “dark?”

❤️ May 2024 Crestone Workshop / StarworksUSA

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/ cynthialarson

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