Nature of the spirits: Part 3 The Human Soul

9 months ago

This video touches on the nature of the human spirit, its characteristics, what we know if its interactions with the world, and your intrinsic consciousness.

Sources and quotes:

"Brain science has shown that human emotions are controlled by the brain [1]. The brain produces brain waves as it transmits messages. Brain wave data is one of the biological messages, and biological messages usually have emotion features. The feature of emotion can be extracted through the analysis of brain wave messages."


_Various quotes read from "the gateway project"

"And recall (O Prophet) when your Lord brought forth descendants from the loins of the sons of Adam, and made them witnesses against their ownselves. asking them: 'Am I not your Lord?' They said: 'Yes, we do testify.' We did so lest you claim on the Day of Resurrection: 'We were unaware of this.'"
-QURAN (7:172)

“Each one of you is constituted in the womb of the mother for forty days, and then he becomes a clot of thick blood for a similar period, and then a piece of flesh for a similar period. Then God sends an angel who is ordered to write four things. He is ordered to write down his deeds, his livelihood, the date of his death, and whether he will be blessed or wretched. Then the soul is breathed into him…” (Sahih al-Bukhari: 3036).

"At large densities, plasma conductivity can reach values close to metallic ones."


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