The Saturday Wrap-Up - Bombshells are coming, just a little bit too slowly - May 4, 2024

4 months ago

See Barbara's accompanying post to this video:

This week's Saturday wrap-up starts by stating the most obvious reflection from the week: Donald Trump continues to rise in the polls and in support from the American population despite everything the regime is throwing at him. We touch on the strategic situation noting that the Ukraine war continues as nothing but a killing field for Ukrainians as NATO fights the last war. By contrast, Russia has mobilized economically in depth, the requirement for winning wars, something which NATO and the United States no longer seem to consider. In Israel, we await the response to the latest, seemingly last hope peace initiative. Gaza is now in actual famine conditions and the planned incursion into Rafah will only spark a wider war.
The student demonstrations and riots which have occupied the U.S. news media throughout the week have the usual assortment of outside agitators and tactics to spark popular uproar. True to form, Republicans in Congress seem intent on replaying Richard Nixon’s 1972 campaign model, mobilizing the “silent majority” against student radicals although that has little bearing on the present situation. The silent majority is awake and most young people view the Middle East violence as low in their priorities. In a shameful bipartisan vote, Congress adopted a resolution against anti-Semitism which censures and penalizes any criticism of Israel in contravention of the First Amendment.
Trump is in Florida today meeting with potential vice-presidents, donors, and working on election integrity. The New York criminal case, a travesty, does not seem to have touched him with the prosecution seemingly on a campaign to discredit convicted perjurer and disbarred lawyer, Michael Cohen, their star witness. We take a deeper look at the unraveling of the Florida documents case against Trump and its implications. Across the pond, Britian seems about to elect a labor government. These have proved to be just as vicious in their dedication to imperialism as the conservatives in post war history. The economic crisis is deepening across the world. Only the type of economic mobilization Trump proposes can get us out of this crisis.

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