Unveiling #ConspiracyTruth Beyond #Perception

9 months ago

This video was created on Invideo from repurposed blog material from https://entangledconsciousness.wordpress.com/?s=warning


This may not be for YOU!

What happens when alternative ideas emerge that may appear to be too fantastic for some minds to accept, or to be even considered to be valid?

Because of agenda indoctrination, these ideas are often called, “conspiracy theories”, or even worse.

What about #ConspiracyTruth?

Why are these alternative ideas so readily dismissed like this?

Why are the people who are bringing forth their thoughts and warnings being called “agents” of the very people that we are being warned against?

It really makes you wonder about the agenda of the would-be controllers of this reality.

Only a closed mind, or one with alternate motives, would deny these possibilities.

Remember…you don’t know, what you don’t know.

You are only taught to believe what you are told to believe, and nothing else!

Why would anyone choose to limit themselves in this way?


Is what you can see with your eyes, all that there is to see?

Because our eyes are only capable of seeing less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum, does that prove that there is nothing else to detect?

Of course not!

Otherwise, you could see in x-rays, infrared, microwaves, radio waves, cell phone frequencies, and so on.

These energies exist, do they not?

Of course, they do.

Then why would you deny the possibilities of other realities that probably exist all around us?

Quantum mechanics proves that even our human senses are being interpreted by our belief systems, such as so-called solid materials…our bodies included.

Have you considered the implications of the “observer effect” of the double-slit experiments?

Consciousness is part of perception, and each of us perceives differently, and we then choose to agree on certain aspects of reality.

Remember...you are NOT a physical being!

But that’s OK because neither am I!

We are merely energetic quantum particles, being interpreted by our individual consciousnesses.

Open your mind to possibilities that you have been told do not exist!

Gas-lighting is real, based on each individual perspective.

Everything exists, whether you choose to believe it or not.

Your choice is YOUR Choice.

Choose wisely!

May your karma be generous to you.

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