ELECTION FAILURE: Muslims & Gaza to Blame say Starmer's Labour

8 months ago

Right, so I’m only today starting to cover the local elections, today being two days after polling day, on one hand because many of the results take that long to come in, but also because Man Flu struck me down on Friday, however nothing quite cleanses the system, to an extent anyway and cheers the soul like Starmer’s rancid excuse for a Labour Party falling woefully short of where they thought they’d be, having taken a mere fraction of the Tory losses. We’re talking about the same Tory Party still run be unelected, mandateless, and self serving to the point of wondering where he doesn’t seem to be personally cashing in with policy Rishi Sunak, this the most inept, useless, right wing and dangerous Tory Party many of us can remember and according to Sky News, Starmer can’t win a majority at all against them. Those super majorities the pollsters predicted? They appear to be built on sand, much like all of Starmer’s policy. Making announcements constantly of what he’ll take away from us instead of offer and we’re actually in hung parliament territory as a result. He has turned his back on traditional members and they’ve walked, they’ve left they’ve taken their votes with them and all they can respond with by way of explanation it seems, is to blame Muslims and Gaza. The Tories clearly have competition now for who holds the title of the Nasty Party and if Labour think resorting to petty racism will win back voters, they deserve to keep losing even more.
Right, so Local Election results were as ever much more interesting than most of the mainstream media were letting, because as much as Sunak’s bunch of Tories absolutely getting the kicking they deserved in the results coming through, having pretty much lost half the Council seats they were defending, if Labour were on course for the super majority many polls were saying they were looking at come the General Election, the fact they failed to suck up most of those Tory seats, Labour won the equivalent of roughly two fifths of those lost Tory council seats, but they actually ended up losing ground elsewhere as they were making small inroads somewhere else. In very rough terms, of the lost Tory seats remaining, the Lib Dems, Independents and the Green Party took another fifth of the vote each, slightly more than that actually for the Lib Dems, slightly less than that for the Greens, but near as damn it, that’s where Tory seats went. A Labour Party on course for a stonking majority should be doing better than that, should not be losing so much of the votes they were chasing, and we know Starmer’s game plan is to obsessively chase Tory votes believing Labour voters will stick with him anyway, but from what we’ve observed, that isn’t necessarily the case and certainly when Sky News came out with an extrapolation for the General Election based on how voters voted here, it showed thar instead of looking at a comfortable majority government, that Keir Starmer is actually going to fall far short of a majority at all, although is likely to still be the largest party.
According to Sky’s analysis, Labour is sat on 35% of the national vote, which needs putting in some context. The 2017 General Elections saw Jeremy Corbyn win 40% of the national vote for example and in 2019 when things went sideways thanks to internal sabotage, and Brexit being all that seemed to matter, Corbyn still secured 32% of the vote. It also doesn’t bode well for Starmer that in 2014, Ed Miliband did better in local elections than Starmer did here, though of course went on to still lose the general Election the following year.
For those of us who have for years now been pointing at the Tories and Starmer’s Labour as being basically as bad as each other, a hung parliament, where Starmer will have to cobble together some kind of a deal with smaller parties, is literally the best case scenario, where electoral reform away from First Past The Post must be implemented ahead of the following General Election so that the UK truly gets a representative government and parliament, so that all parties must appeal to us and not just donors who can spend money on campaigns and who are who they end up really working in the interests of when they do get into power.
Now there will be some of you who will I’m sure, especially Labour supporting people no doubt, who will be popping up saying Local Election results are not a good indicator of General Election results and as a rule, I would absolutely agree with that, but right now we have two Parties who are effectively one as bad as each other and although clearly from the results the Tories got that there is a big desire for change away from the Tories for a lot of people, they are equally not convinced by Keir Starmer’s offer to the country that he will be any better and frankly when that offer is a miserable one, watering down renationalisation, investment in a Green New Deal, the promises coming from Rachel Reeves amounting to more Cameron and Osborne-esque austerity, this might appeal to some Tory voters, apparently around two fifths of them only though, most people want a better choice and have instead chosen differently and that includes many Labour voters, now former Labour voters who chose differently.
A couple of notable examples presented themselves to illustrate my point. Bristol City Council is a good one, lets look at that. Labour had a bad night here, with the largest Party there now, having gained 10 seats being the Green Party, coming up just two seats short of taking control of the Council. Labour lost 3 seats here, reducing their number of seats to 21 and the Tories losing 7 councillors, half their representation, all of these going Green too. The Lib Dems held all 8 seats they already had. To give an indication of where local election results can imply a General Election result, it is being widely reported, in numerous polls, that Green Party Co-Leader Carla Denyer, is on course to win the constituency seat of Bristol Central and dump Starmerroid Labour MP Thangam Debbonaire out on her backside. It is notable therefore to see that of the seats up for grabs on Bristol City Council, that the Green Party took every single seat in what will be Bristol Central. That is a local election result reflecting General Election voting intention.
Now the numbers will change, they count for one day, the day of the ballot, but they do also reflect public opinion towards parties and that looks like it could carry through to a General Election looking at this.
Let’s look at another example and another part of the country, we’ve been south, let’s go North and look at Oldham Council, which Labour have lost to No Overall Control. Where in Bristol the Green Party reaped the rewards, here in Oldham, it was a surge of Independent candidates that denied Labour majority control and indeed their placement as the largest group too. Labour lost 5 councillors, reducing their number to 7, the Lib Dems lost a councillor giving them just 3, the Tories also lost 1 councillor, being reduced to 2, yet the Independents, of which previously there was just 1 on the council, now form an independent grouping, though whether they formally stand as a group now going forward remains to be seen, though they would be the largest group on the council if they did as there are now 8 independent councillors there.
This is staunch Labour country and if Keir Starmer’s changed Labour Party were truly looking to recover some of their Brexit inspired losses from 2019, people are not buying, given they just lost control of the local council.
Now, why people choose to turn away from one party, Starmer’s Party as we’re talking about here, are always going to be varied and personal, but broadly, we can point to Labour policy choices and also the conflict between Israel and Gaza. Starmer is as bad, if not worse than Sunak when it comes to his pro Israel leanings, and if there’s one particular incident that nailed on just how ingrained an immovable on this issue he is, then it would be the scuppering of the SNP vote on a meaningful ceasefire back in February, where Starmer is alleged to have leant on Speaker Lindsay Hoyle, successfully so at that if true, because Hoyle allowed a Labour motion that should not have been permitted under standing orders. That move and how that was reported, how that shone a light on Starmer’s motivations, how far he was prepared to go for the Israeli regime despite all we are actually witnessing in Gaza, was a defining moment for many people. Fundamentally, the politics is appealing to a few Tories, it’s putting off a lot of Labour voters and for people who want to see an end to the genocide, neither the Tories or Labour are appealing! You only had to look at the recent Rochdale by-election to see that, also Lancashire, just like Oldham.
Up and down the country, these are defining problems for Starmer’s Labour – they are seen as on the side of Israel, which they ardently are, and the politics is horrible Torylitism, but to ask them what is the problem? Well it seems they’re blaming Muslims.
Casual racism is how some Labour sources are choosing to report their assessment of Labour’s underwhelming results and actually this shows how some in Labour in positions of being spokespeople are utterly unhinged in how they chose to express those findings.
At time of writing the West Midlands mayoral result is still to come, but labour have said in the belief they have lost it that:
‘It's the Middle East, not West Midlands that will have won Street the Mayoralty. Once again Hamas are the real villains.’
So according to whoever this berk was, and this was quoted on the BBC, anyone who didn’t vote for Labour in the West Midlands is a Hamas supporter then? Hardly shows any intent on getting real and getting on the right side of history where Gaza is concerned does it?
What kind of unhinged weirdos are Starmer’s Labour putting up to answer press questions? How bloody entitled are they as well? Ordinary people up and down the country appalled by what we are witnessing in the Middle East, appalled by Labour and Tory stances on it, don’t think like this.
On Newsnight last night, Labour chose to deploy the Chair of Labour Friends of Israel, Steve McCabe, to talk about the results, talk about the General Election projection put out and his answer was that:
‘We simply have to have bigger and better conversations with Muslim families around the country.’
Ah, so according to this obviously pro-Israeli MP, the issue is with Muslim voters. They are to blame are they? Labour’s hierarchy of racism rears it’s ugly head again, wasn’t this the narrative we used to expect from the Tories or UKIP? Rochdale was largely fought for on the basis of Gaza, but not exclusively so and again Muslims were blamed for Labour losing that to George Galloway, but when 75% of Rochdale’s voters are white, it’s a nonsense to think this is a Muslim voter issue – its an all voter issue and Labour still don’t get that, choosing to be Islamophobic about matters instead of taking a long hard look at themselves. People will not forgive or forget an ardently pro Israeli, supporting genocide party, who’s domestic policies are continuity Thatcher as well, something again that this lot can’t countenance as not being popular. Labour’s problems and the reality of them being short of a majority, or facing as such now as they seem to be based on these numbers, actual votes as they are, not just polling projections, is that quite obviously, they are still failing to recognise their very real failings and the more people who veer away from the Tories AND Labour ahead of the next general Election the better because of it. We might yet get the election result that will be forced to deliver the electoral reform we need, to have a country we can take actually, genuinely take pride in again, and not be stuck with governments that only serve themselves and establishment interests world wide.
Labour have been handed a wake up call and instead of paying attention they are sticking their fingers in their ears and resporting to dog whistle racism whilst they are at it instead.
Meanwhile of course the media will still try and aid and abet the status quo, not just giving Labour and the Tories soft soap interviews, where they still manage to say the wrong thing, but going on the attack against others, like George Galloway exposes how tied together mainstream media and mainstream politics truly are. Check out this video recommendation where they tried it on with Galloway again, but he’s far too savvy to just take that and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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