Socialist PlayStations?! Conservative Silliness and LP Drama! Wolff Trump Freitas Heiens

9 months ago

Today we try a new segment where I respond to viewer submissions. We laugh at Richard Wolff's socialist PlayStation nonsense, we correct a couple republicans on their libertarian nonsense, we enjoy some popcorn over the drama Trump speaking at the LP convention is stirring up, and we talk about the dangers of allowing interpreters to map your worldview for you.

Anarchast Episode 609
Socialist PlayStations?! Conservative Silliness and LP Drama! Wolff Trump Freitas Heiens

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00:00 - Intro
01:14 - Richard Wolff Teaches Us Socialism
05:07 - Nick Freitas Christian Heiens Dont Understand Libertarianism
20:13 - Trump and the Libertarian Party
34:19 - Beware Interpreters!
37:58 - How to Send Content In

Link to make Hive wales happy:

voluntaryism,voluntaryist,anarchy,anarcho capitalism,anarchist,freedom,liberty,libertarian,patrick smith,not governor,Socialist PlayStation,Richard Wolff,Republican,Libertarian,Trump,Libertarian Party,LP,Convention,Drama,Interpreter,Viewer Submissions,Response,Voluptuous Vents,Popcorn,Correct,Nonsense

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