The 7th Dimension Explained: The beginning of Spiritual Awakening #quantum #spirituality #tapin

9 months ago

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7th dimensional beings able to influence the multiverse, they can split realities and be in more than one place at the same time. So you can say that a 7th dimensional being has the ability to be Omnipresent. Your consciousness can be split. You could go to another parallel reality and meet yourself! The universe is infinite so that means there are infinite copies of YOU. You are approaching true infinity but now in a micro infinity, one that is within a still larger infinity. So yes there are infinities within infinity. also Staring at 7 the dimensions are curled up so small that we can't sense them. They are here, now, but with our 3D perception we cannot sense them. In the 7th dimension Not only can you influence, or change your lifeline but now you can influence others or your other selves. Interdimensional Travel: Entities in the seventh dimension have the ability to traverse through lower-dimensional spaces effortlessly. If we lived in this realm we would be able to move between different timelines, alternate realities, and parallel universes at will. We could shapeshift and change our physical bodies to whatever we like. Will you be an angel or a demon... lol Did you know that in the realm of theoretical physics, there's a concept known as "brane cosmology" which suggests that our universe might be just one of many parallel universes existing on "branes" floating in a higher-dimensional space? exploring different versions of history and potential futures, and encountering parallel versions of themselves and others. Past present and future events exist simultaneously. So researching this my thought was how can we get any higher? I can barely imagine what the 7th dimension would be like for us 3D folks. We can't go any higher than the 7th right? Oh contraire mon frere. We can. But you have to Say goodbye to your physical body because it is too dense to take with us to the 8th Dimension. There, We can only exist in vibration.
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