Morality, Happiness, and Virtue - The Forgotten Targets of Malthusianism

10 months ago

The writings of Thomas Malthus are generally associated with Population Control. But it just may be the resulting effects of that same Malthusianism's prescribed population control tactics have on us, and our society at large, that present the greatest threat to our Constitutional Republic as Founded, and therefore to the whole of Individual Rights & Liberty there-in secured.

A quote to keep in mind straight from the collectivism of the Overpopulation Project (
"[I]t isn’t clear that merely ending population growth will limit human numbers sufficiently to secure ecological sustainability;...Two recent studies suggest that 3 billion people might be sustainable globally, if societies made heroic improvements in their current modes of consumption and production. The current global population is 7.8 billion and it is growing by 80 to 85 million annually. Since all human rights are environmentally-dependent rights and securing them could be rendered impossible by overpopulation, any serious ethical analysis needs to consider the possibility that limiting reproductive rights might be rights are absolute and all rights find their proper scope and limits within a larger framework of human interests.“ (aka – The Collective) "


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