Vaccine Injuries Reach Mainstream: Chris Cuomo and Nurse Practitioner Sean Barcavage

8 months ago

Chris Cuomo admits to being injured himself. He interviews research nurse practitioner Shaun Barcavage who was mandated the "vaccine" to keep his job and now lives with long term injury (paraesthesia, tinnitus, neuropathy and other symptoms causing disability when he was previously healthy).

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo relentlessly hounded people into taking the products being marketed by his biggest sponsors. He remains convinced by the narrative, that we're all at risk of "the next pandemic" despite being personally injured by the product that failed to prevent the disease.

The New York Times piece they refer to is authored by Apoorva Mandavilli, a science and global health reporter who was also relentless in her pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine mandate stance, and whose articles have repeatedly required post-publication corrections after making hysterical claims later proven to be false. Personally I do not trust this reporting on vaccine injury as anything other than preparation for uptake of the next pharmaceutical products. Are they just trying to normalise the abnormal?

See React19 for more information on vaccine injury support in the USA and updated science-based support for people suffering from long-term COVID-19 vaccine effects:

Hear more from Shaun Barcavage here:


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