Flat Out Truth (Resurrection): 'SPACE'! - The Truth Fucking Hurts, but Cure! [03.05.2024]

9 months ago

NASA = No Astronauts (in) Space Assholes!

Buzz Aldrin - Wikipedia

"The Truth is like a Surgery, it hurts but cure! Lie is like a Painkiller, it gives instant relief but has side effects fiorever!"
- Han Suyin (1917-2012)

"Three Things Cannot Be Hidden For Long: - The Sun - The Moon and the Truth!" - Siddhartha Gautama aká The Buddha (563BC-483BCE)

All Truth passes through three stages before it is recognized:
1. First, it is ridiculed.
2. Then it is violently opposed.
3. Then it is accepted as being self-evident.
- Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher (1788-1860)

'The Truth is Learned, Never Told!' - Out of Shadows (A 2020 Documentary, link below)

'A True Friend Tells the Truth, Even if it Risks the Friendship' - Proverbs 9:8-9 - Proverbs 27:17

Flat Out Truth (Resurrection)
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