What is Worship?

10 months ago

What is worship? Sometimes we confuse worship with praise. Is there a difference between the two? Yes, praise can be a small component of worship, which in itself has a deeper meaning: recognizing, adoring and submitting to a power much greater than ourselves. Today's topic aligns more with what we typically experience within our churches: the singing performed on stage with various instruments and singers. Now, I want to clarify that I'm not suggesting that everyone who performs isn't worshipping. There are talented singers and occasionally off-key ones, all with a genuine desire to worship our King. However, what does true worship before God look like?

I won't delve too much into the description now, but I encourage you to stay with me until the end of this episode.

As always, I'm eager to hear your perspectives, so please share them in the comment section for myself and others to read. Many thanks in advance!

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