Old Tucson Movie Studios, The Mescal Movie Set, Part 04

7 months ago

The Mescal Movie Set is located northwest of Benson Arizona. Exit I10 on the Mescal/J6 exit and head north, in a few miles you will be at the movie set.

The Mescal Movie Set was part of the Old Tucson Movie Studios. When that went under, the Mescal Movie Set was abandoned and went into disprepair. It is located on state land was set to be razed, when a local ranching family (The Karchners) leased the land and saved the movie set from destruction.

Dozens of movies have been filmed here and it is still in use. You can book tours and see the set, which we really encourage. You can also volunteer to do work on the set or do tours.



Ample Tunes-Rigatoni+Revolver.mp3

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