Suspicious Minds-EU election countdown

9 months ago

Diagnosis: Emotional stress disorder, EBS².
EU election countdown with suspicious minds-a script.
>An indirectly fee-financed TV culture channel suddenly becomes completely
as a neutral observer without being asked?
"Inside Power", a melodramatic documentary about the delivery legislation process, leaves nothing out:
Clicking ballpoint pens, red-painted toenails, climate-correct tram rides
and happy children of good important politicians!
Boo! So 1st round won for their democracy, in the 2nd round the "tense" arm-raising to find democracy in parliament...previously mentioned "Portuguese etc were "reached" so that it was enough for the more/majority (interesting pun)...but after the 3rd round the "relaxation" (interesting pun).
It succeeds! as in Goethe's creation story to the the obvious relief occurs-democracy and raison d'être saved!
After a short-lived inferiority complex, there is sudden ecstasy and it is clear who is to be elected.
The parliament and the xxxparliamentarians-all of them!
Because, of course, playing chess also requires black suspicious minds figures.
No draw this time, please - a rochade!?

Vlog and scriptwriter Alexa Cloud hopes you enjoy watching!
Picture/sound: fellow student Ffrank Uri.
Sponsor: Curt Fogel - "Q-Studio".
EBS² s.µstudy-RKI.

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