Now, We Must Stand Up for the Truth!

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As the LaRouche Oasis Plan begins to be discussed as the physical economic alternative to the systematic destruction and depopulation of Gaza, students, faculty and citizens of the United States, disengaging from the perpetual war practices of the Anglo-American establishment, have thrown the rigged American Presidential electoral scene into turmoil. In response, Wall Street and the City Of London have decided to shut anyone and anything opposed to their plans for more war and genocide.

Now, for Americans, the vigorous defense of the United States Constitution—not merely the First Amendment, but the Constitution’s Preamble—requires, at this moment, that all other “issues,” including those of legitimate concern, be placed in the background. The militarization process that appeared, in one guise, on January 6, 2021, now appears in another, on American college campuses. In this most recent attempt to use the “armed might of the state” to police, not only the thoughts, but the very communication of any ideas that oppose our decades-long, trillions dollar policy of perpetual warfare—expressed most recently in the recent Congressional vote on Ukraine and Israel—they have revealed that another, alien policy, not in the interests of the United States—or Ukraine, or Israel, for that matter—is at work.

To whose benefit is the present policy of perpetual war? From whence does it originate? And how do the present conflict in Southwest Asia, the NATO/Russia war in Ukraine, the pending confrontation with China in the Pacific, and the earlier disastrous “failed wars” in Iraq and Afghanistan, reflect the same policy, of the same alien forces—a policy which, if unchecked, must lead to thermonuclear war? Who is sparking these wars, and how can ideas, like the LaRouche Oasis Plan, reverse this process?

We must answer these questions, and then we must stand up and tell the truth, to set the nation free

Speakers: Harley Schlanger and Cliff Kiracofe

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